Emergency Tooth Extraction

Emergency Tooth Extraction

If you are experiencing tooth pain that continues to progress in intensity and/or that cannot be managed with over-the-counter pain medication, schedule an appointment with your oral surgeon or dentist as soon as possible, as this may be a sign of an underlying infection. If the pain you are experiencing becomes unbearable, it may be necessary to seek emergency care. If you are currently experiencing unbearable pain, contact our office at (800) NEW-LOOK even if this is occurring after our normal business hours. While it can be difficult to think clearly when you are experiencing significant pain, to help speed up the process of receiving care, have your contact, insurance, and payment information available when you call. We will also want to know the timeline of your issue and what your current pain level is.

If you are not able to contact a member of our clinic, you may need to seek care at your nearest hospital emergency room. It is important to be aware, however, that most emergency room physicians are not trained in dealing with issues like a tooth extraction palm harbor florida, and oftentimes can only provide palliative care until you can be seen by a trained professional. Given the high cost of receiving emergency care and the minimal amount of care you will receive, it is better to address these issues as early as possible.

Prior to performing an emergency tooth extraction, we will first conduct a thorough examination and make every effort possible to preserve your tooth. If this is not an option and your risk of developing further complications without removing the tooth is high, we will administer a local anesthetic to relieve your pain. We can also provide a range of dental sedation options, including oral sedatives, nitrous oxide, and intravenous (IV) sedation.

As soon as you feel comfortable, we will begin the extraction process. In most cases, the process of extracting the tooth will involve using an elevator and forceps to loosen the tooth. Though you will not feel any pain during this part of the procedure thanks to the anesthetic, you will feel some pressure while we are removing the tooth. If your tooth happens to be impacted, we will need to first make an incision in your gum line in order to access and remove the bone that is covering your tooth. Next, we will loosen the tooth using surgical instruments, and if necessary, section the tooth and remove it piece by piece. Once your tooth has been completely removed, we will stitch the area shut and perform a general cleaning. Once this is done, we will answer any questions you may have, provide a prescription for antibiotics and/or pain medication if necessary, and provide aftercare instructions.

Contact Us Today

At Coastal Jaw Surgery, we are committed to providing you with quality dental care and emergency dental support when you need. To schedule a consultation to see if you require a tooth extraction, or for immediate emergency care, contact us today at (800) NEW-LOOK or fill out an online form at https://coastaljaw.com/appointment-request/

We look forward to improving your oral health, aesthetic appearance of your smile, and overall quality of life!

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